UCBHSSP staff bring a combination of experience from K12 and university classrooms, pre-service education, and professional learning to their work with teachers. Learn more about us.

Teacher Research Group
Each year, UCBHSSP convenes a group of teachers from across the Bay Area to explore individual and collective inquiries around instructional practice in an H-SS context.

Student Advisory Group
In December 2021, UCBHSSP launched its first student advisory group. This group of diverse high school students from across the Bay Area researched, wrote about and shared undertold histories of the Bay Area. Check out their work and be on the look out for this year's application.

Sites of CHSSP
UCBHSSP is one of five regional sites of the California History-Social Science Project. Explore their websites for resources and reach out to the site in your region. Not a site in your area? Contact our state office.

California Subject Matter Projects
As a CHSSP member site, UCBHSSP is one of nine discipline-specific projects across California that support the ongoing learning of teachers.

UCB Professional Development Providers
Learn more about the offices at UC Berkeley that support the ongoing learning of K12 teachers.

National Humanities Center
Select UCBHSSP-designed lessons and strategies are included in the open educational resource hosted by the National Humanities Center. Explore our highlighted resources and those from other great history organizations across the country. The platform is free but requires registration.