We are excited to support teacher learning during the Spring of 2025.

Check out our listings and come back soon for more details!

Preparing for Project Based Learning

Tuesday, January 21st 2025 on Zoom
The UC Berkeley History Social Science Project is excited to welcome Kyle Beckham, Co-Director and Lecturer for the Berkeley Teacher Education Program, to speak to our community of educators about Project Based Learning.  

During this free virtual event Kyle will share how his experiences centering “PBL” in San Francisco and Oakland classrooms informs the course he teaches on Curriculum Design and Development.  

Register here. A Zoom link will be sent before the 

Deliberative Discourse for Controversial Conversations in the history-social science classroom

The UCBHSSP is excited to convene educators from around the state of California as we plan to respond to controversial conversations occurring in our classrooms. Building on our recent collaboration with Dr. Eric Soto-Shed from the Harvard Graduate School of Eduction (Teaching the Election series), we will be offering two free virtual sessions to support teachers with:

Scaffolding Safe Classroom Conversations (SESSION 1: Tuesday, January 28th 2025) - This session introduces a structured deliberative discourse protocol for controversial topics in which students research and explore the perspectives of different stakeholders while clarifying their own stance. Discussion about navigating controversy in the classroom and time for initial planning a deliberative discourse will be included.

Planning for Deliberative Discourse (SESSION 2: Tuesday, February 4th 2025)This session builds on the deliberative discourse protocol introduced in Part I, focusing on the challenge of choosing appropriate issues and framing the question to ensure a safe and productive conversation in your classroom.

Register here. A Zoom link will be sent before the events.


The UC Berkeley History-Social Science Project will be out in full force for the California Council for the Social Studies Conference in Burliungame, CA!  Join us between March 7-9 as we discuss:

- Empowering History and Ethnic Studies Students Through Messaging Analysis

- Scaffolding History-Social Science Content for Newcomers

- Regional Student Collaboration to Study and Act on Local Histories and Issues

Register to attend using this link.

Ethnic Studies Community of Practice

How do we center the needs of our communities in High School Ethnic Studies courses?

The Community of Practice continues on Tuesday November 19th at 4:00 pm PST as the UC Berkeley High School Ethnic Studies Initiative will host a free monthly community of practice for Ethnic Studies educators. Over the course of six virtual meetings, those in attendance will be asked to develop best practices for:

- Identifying the assets and challenges that come with community-centered 

- High School Ethnic Studies coursesAddressing misunderstandings about

- Ethnic StudiesUncovering, and making meaning of local histories

A zoom link will be provided upon registration.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

2024-25 Newcomer Support Community of Practice

The UCBHSSP is excited to offer a community of practice for teachers and coordinators that work with Newcomers.  This collaborative effort to increase access to content and language learning will meet 4-6 times online during the 2024-25 school year. During these sessions, participants will learn new strategies.  Additionally, educators will share their own strategies, the resulting student work, and modifications based on instruction. The first meeting is on Sept. 10 at 4:00pm on zoom, however interested participants can still join the community of practice at any time during the year. 

Register here - Zoom link will be sent before the event.

UCB PDP logos

Professional Development for Educators - ongoing

A number of units across campus offer programs in support of the ongoing learning of classroom teachers. Check out this events calendar and share it with your colleagues in other content areas.

CHSSP logo

California History-Social Science Project - ongoing

Learn about programs hosted by member sites of CHSSP.

Note on Program Accessibility: If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) or information about campus mobility access features in order to fully participate in a UCBHSSP event, please contact Rachel Reinhard at ucbhssp@berkeley.edu with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7-10 days in advance of the event.

Contact: ucbhssp@berkeley.edu