Global History Lessons

UCBHSSP and the International and Area National Resource Centers at UC Berkeley partnered on a four-year workshop series to help educators prepare students to understand cross-regional and thematic elements in global history. Workshops featured a scholar talk, the presentation of a teacher–designed model lesson, and collaborative planning time. In the final year of the grant, UCBHSSP partnered with ORIAS to present a three day games symposium. This programming was made possible through a federal Title VI grant to the International and Area Studies Centers at UC Berkeley.

We encourage educators to download the model lessons from the previously held sessions. Each lesson is provided as a .docx to enable changes based on student requirements.  Teacher keys are included with each strategy and/or section.  





Power & Authority

100 Years Later: The Russian Revolution The lesson uses the Russian Revolution as a point of entry for introducing students to the idea of historiography, that history is interpreted and those interpretations vary over time. Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Historiography of the Russian Revolution
Understanding Genocide: The Khmer Rouge The lesson will establish a conceptual understanding of genocide, provide an exploration of the Khmer Rouge, and explore oral histories as a form of historical evidence. Center for Southeast Asia Studies The Khmer Rouge

Lesson: Explore the response of women, in particular, to British colonial rule in Nigeria.

Institute of European Studies The Igbo Women's War

Movement of People

War & Displacement explored the movement of Syrian refugees to Europe. A teacher-modeled lesson then explored the impact of war on Jewish children during World War II.  Center for Middle Eastern Studies War & Displacement
Transport of Labor analyzed the movement of workers from South Asia to the Middle East. A teacher-modeled lesson used advertisements to explore the role of indentured servants in the American colonial economy. Instittue for South Asia Studies Transport of Labor
Environmental Change & Relocation examined how farmers and herders in northwest China are creating strategies for survival amidst government relocation policies. A model lesson, studied the perspectives of people who migrated to California during the Great Depression. Institute of East Asian Studies Settling into a New Home

Movement of Ideas

Governing Empires  compared governance in the Han and Roman Empires. A video of the lesson presentation is available through the website of the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco. Institute of European Studies and the Institute of East Asian Studies Governing Empires Lesson
Revolutionary Ideas  inquired into the theories and practices of communism in Vietnam and their relationship to the Soviet Union; a model lesson on the rise of communism in Eastern Europe was also presented. Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies and Institute for Southeast Asian Studies Revolutionary Ideas Lesson
Religion Unbound explored the growth and development of Muslim communities in South Asia over a span of 1400 years; a model lesson, which explores the British colonial project in South Asia as a turning point in the formation of Muslim identity, was also shared. Center for Middle Eastern Studies and Institute for South Asia Studies Religion Unbound Lesson